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Childfree Convention is a Division of
Childfree Media Ltd.
Help us further the reach of the Childfree conversation and global community through a donation.

2023 Childfree Convention - Day One!
2023 Childfree Convention - Day Two!

Do you like volunteering? Are you passionate about the Childfree lifestyle?
We are looking for people to join our team!
Click the link below and fill our a 2022 Volunteer Application Form.

Are you childfree or interested in learning more about the childfree experience? If so, you’ve come to the right place—your gateway to everything you need to know about the Childfree Convention.
The Childfree Convention is a two-day live-stream event with guests and participants from all around the globe, where childfree people and their allies can expand their knowledge about the childfree lifestyle and explore important topics in the childfree community.
The convention is FREE to watch and open to all who want to be part of the childfree conversation.
What is the Virtual Childfree Convention?
Childfree Convention is a free live-stream event with live-chat audience interaction. The event will feature international speakers, a variety of topic panels, and a halftime show.
The panels will explore topics of interest to the childfree community such as the childfree experience in different world cultures.
How do I attend the Virtual Childfree Convention?
Childfree Convention is free to attend, and no registration is required. On Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, July 30st, please visit the Childfree Convention YouTube channel or Facebook page at 9 AM Eastern Time to join the live-stream event with live chat!
Do I have to be childfree to attend the Virtual Childfree Convention?
Because our convention is about education and awareness, all are welcome to attend the convention. The Childfree Convention is an inclusive space free from judgment.
What if I can’t make the Virtual Childfree Convention?
The Childfree Convention will be available for replay on the Childfree Convention YouTube channel, so you can watch any panels you miss (or rewatch any panel or halftime show!).
How do I find out more about the Virtual Childfree Convention?
Please sign up for our email list for updates and reminders! We also encourage you to visit us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
How can I support the Virtual Childfree Convention?
The Childfree Convention is volunteer driven. Please see our sponsorship opportunities for ways to sponsor the Childfree Convention. You can also purchase Childfree Convention merchandise.
THANK YOU – This will help ensure the success of future Childfree Conventions.
The Conversations Continue In Our Latest Video

2021 Highlights
Why Make a Live, Virtual Childfree Conference?

2021 Virtual Childfree Conference 1st Half!

2021 Virtual Childfree Conference 2nd Half!

Childfree Convention
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The Story Behind Ursus Dolor Quis Et Ipsum.
What People Say

Sponsorship Opportunities
2022 Supporter
- Recognition on our website in the “Sponsors’ section.
- Recognition During a Halftime Show on a day of the event
2022 Partner
- Recognition on our website in the “Sponsors’ section.
- Recognition During a Halftime Show on a day of the event
- Inclusion in Promotional Graphics for Social Media Post (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) where appropriate - with link/tag included where available.
- Listed as a "Sponsor" on our official T-Shirt and Poster for the event.
2022 Advocate
- Recognition on our website in the “Sponsors’ section.
- Recognition During a Halftime Show on a day of the event
- Inclusion in Promotional Graphics for Social Media Post (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) where appropriate - with link/tag included where available.
- Listed as a "Sponsor" on our official T-Shirt and Poster for the event.
- Two-Minute Video on our Website, YouTube and Social Media leading up to the event and during a Halftime Show on the day of the event
2022 Champion
- Recognition on our website in the “Sponsors’ section.
- Recognition During each Live Streamed Panel and during the Halftime Shows.
- Perpetual recognition on archived recordings of the event where available.
- Inclusion in Promotional Graphics for Social Media Post (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) where appropriate - with link/tag included where available.
- Listed as a "Sponsor" on our official T-Shirt and Poster for the event.
- Two-Minute Video on our Website, YouTube and Social Media leading up to the event and during a Halftime Show on the day of the event.
- Inclusion in a special section of our EMAIL UPDATES including links where available.

We might be looking for you!
Are you interested in joining us as a speaker for the Childfree Convention? Just follow the link below and fill out a Speaker Form for consideration.